Do you offer shipping?

No, fresh flowers are not available for shipping.

Do you deliver?

Yes, delivery is available for customers within Kerrobert and Unity.

When do you deliver?

Delivery to Kerrobert is on Monday’s and Friday’s, with a few select weekends.

Delivery to Unity is Wednesday OR Thursday mornings.

How long does it take to process my order?

24-48 hours.

If I want flowers delivered to Unity on Wednesday can I place my order Tuesday evening?

You can, but your order will be for the following week. If you would like flowers for Wednesday you will need to place your order by Monday morning at 12AM at the latest. 

Can I pick up my flowers instead?

Yes you can.

Can I pay in cash instead of credit card? 
Yes, you can use cash on delivery. Please remember your cash on delivery days.


Send me an email below if you have any questions!